Species Index
Click on any species name to see data on collections that have been made in Southcentral Alaska. Greyed out species names indicate collection data has yet to be uploaded into our database. This is an ongoing project and we hope that this will eventually become a comprehensive list of all the species of macrofungi in the state of Alaska.
Choose a genus:
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "A":
- Albatrellus
- Amanita
- Arrhenia
- Aspropaxillus
- giganteus
- Aureoboletus
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "B":
- Boletus
- edulis
- luridiformis sensu AK
- subglabripes
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "C":
- Caloboletus
- Chalciporus
- Cheimonophyllum
- candidissimum
- Claudopus
- White mold on Claudopus
- Clavariadelphus
- Clavulina
- Clitocybe
- gigantea
- Collybia
- Coprinellus
- Cortinarius
- acutus
- armillatus
- camphoratus
- caperatus
- cinnamomeus group
- croceus group
- limonius group
- mucosus group
- mutabilis
- pholideus
- porphyropus
- purpurascens group
- semisanguineus
- Cortinarius species
- Cortinarius species #2
- Cortinarius species #3
- Cortinarius species #4
- Cortinarius species #5
- Cortinarius species #6
- Cortinarius species #7
- Cortinarius species #8
- Cortinarius species #9
- Cortinarius species #10
- traganus
- 'Willow Derm'
- Craterellus
- Cystoderma
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "D":
- Dacrymyces
- Dacrymyces species
- Disco
- Disco species
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "E":
- Entoloma
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "F":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "G":
- Galerina
- Gyromitra
- infula
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "H":
- Helvella
- macropus
- Hemipholiota
- destruens
- Hericium
- Hydnellum
- Hygrocybe
- Hygrophorus
- Hypholoma
- Hypsizygus
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "I":
- Inocybe
- Inocybe species
- Inocybe species #2
- Inocybe species #3
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "J":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "K":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "L":
- Leccinum
- alaskanum
- atrostipitatum
- Leccinum species
- Leccinum species #2
- Leccinum species #3
- Lentinellus
- Lycoperdon
- perlatum
- Lyophyllum
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "M":
- Multiclavula
- Mycena
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "N":
- Neobulgaria
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "O":
- Omphalina
- Onnia
- Otidea
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "P":
- Panaeolus
- Panaeolus species
- Panellus
- Paxillus
- Peniophora
- Phellodon
- Pholiota
- Phyllotopsis
- Pleurocybella
- Pleurotoid
- Little White Pleurotoid thing
- Polyozellus
- Psathyrella
- Pseudohydnum
- Pseudoomphalina
- Pycnoporellus
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "Q":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "R":
- Ramaria
- Russula
- cf. lutea
- crassotunicata
- paludosa
- Russula species
- Russula species #2
- Russula species #3
- Russula species #4
- Russula species #5
- Russula species #6
- Russula species #7
- Russula species #8
- Russula species #9
- Russula species #10
- Russula species #11
- xerampelina group
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "S":
- Sarcodon
- imbricatus
- Sarcodon species
- Sarcodon species #2
- Spathularia
- flavida
- Spongipellis
- Spongipellis species
- Strobilurus
- occidentalis
- Stropharia
- hornemannii
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "T":
- Thelephora
- palmata
- Thelephora species
- Thelephora species #2
- Tricholoma
- arvernense
- cf. sulphurescens
- cf. virgatum
- flavovirens group
- flavovirens group #2
- fulvum
- inamoenum
- populinum
- saponaceum group
- sulphurescens
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "U":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "V":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "W":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "X":
- Xerocomus
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "Y":
None currently documented in the area...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "Z":
None currently documented in the area...